- Vintage Cocktail Shakers, VIntage Bareware

Welcome to! is where you go for the most excellent, elegant vintage cocktail shakers and barware.
Gifts or collections we offer Sterling silver cocktail shakers, barware, very rare martini shakers from very affordable to Museum pieces, Extravagant.

All the greats, Revere, Heisey Glass, Hawkes, Chase, Henkels, Hazel Atlas and more!

Ruby Glass Cocktail Martini Shakers

Deep ruby colored glass cocktail shakers will draw the attention of all when you are shaking up those cocktails. Bright and colorful!

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Ruby Red Skyscraper Cocktail Shaker Set.

Super nice, bright ruby colored set

Ruby Glass Lady's Leg Cocktail Shaker set

Shake a Leg! Almost perfect condition Ruby Glass Lady's Leg Cocktail Shaker set. My collection

Fostoria Brass Dome Topped Ruby Cocktail Shaker

1930s Fostoria Ruby Red Cocktail Shaker

Ruby Red Glass Cocktail Shaker

Beautiful ruby glass cocktail shaker.

Fostoria Brass Dome Topped Ruby Cocktail Shaker

1930s Fostoria Ruby Red Cocktail Shaker

Fostoria Brass Dome Topped Ruby Cocktail Shaker

1930s Fostoria Ruby Red Cocktail Shaker
