- Vintage Cocktail Shakers, VIntage Bareware

Welcome to! is where you go for the most excellent, elegant vintage cocktail shakers and barware.
Gifts or collections we offer Sterling silver cocktail shakers, barware, very rare martini shakers from very affordable to Museum pieces, Extravagant.

All the greats, Revere, Heisey Glass, Hawkes, Chase, Henkels, Hazel Atlas and more!

Sterling Silver Cocktail Shakers

These beautiful vintage cocktail shakers are solid sterling silver or sterling overlay on glass. Very elegant!

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Sterling Overlay Cobalt Cocktail Shaker

Fox Hunt themed Cocktail Shaker with sterling silver overlay.

Heisey Sterling Orchid Cut Glass Cocktail Shaker

Sterling top and bottom and very elegant!

Hawkes Sterling and Cut Glass Duck Cocktail Shaker

Beautiful Sterling and Crystal shaker!

Sterling Fox Hunt Overlay Cobalt Cocktail Shaker

Fox Hunt themed Cocktail Shaker with sterling silver overlay.

Heisey Sterling Orchid Cut Glass Cocktail Shaker

Sterling top and bottom and very elegant!

Great Vintage Amber Glass and Sterling Trim Footed Cocktail Shaker

Sterling rooster on an Amber glass cocktail shaker. 

Ca 1900 George Shieber Sterling Silver Cocktail Shaker

Beautiful shaker in beautiful condition. 

English Sterling Silver Cocktail Shaker from 1918

A beautifully textured cocktail shaker.
