- Vintage Cocktail Shakers, VIntage Bareware

Welcome to! is where you go for the most excellent, elegant vintage cocktail shakers and barware.
Gifts or collections we offer Sterling silver cocktail shakers, barware, very rare martini shakers from very affordable to Museum pieces, Extravagant.

All the greats, Revere, Heisey Glass, Hawkes, Chase, Henkels, Hazel Atlas and more!

Cocktail Shaker sets

These are special because they are sets and depending on the set may include cocktail shaker, glasses, tray, ice bucket and even candlestick holders.

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Beautiful Gold Striped Cocktail Shaker Set

Great set for your next intimate party

Ruby Red Skyscraper Cocktail Shaker Set.

Super nice, bright ruby colored set

Rose bottom Cocktail Shaker set

Pretty rose bottomed set.

Cobalt Blue Skyscraper Cocktail Shaker set

Huge Skyscraper set in deep cobalt blue glass.

Ruby Glass Lady's Leg Cocktail Shaker set

Shake a Leg! Almost perfect condition Ruby Glass Lady's Leg Cocktail Shaker set. My collection

International Silver Cocktail Shaker Set

Great little couples sized cocktail shaker and two matching glasses, beautiful shape. My collection

Very Rare Amber Farber Bros Cocktail Shaker Set

This great set has 14 pieces including an ice holder.

Great looking Amber Glass Cocktail Shaker Martini set.

Beautiful Amber Glass Cocktail Shaker Set with six glasses

Paden City Complete Cocktail Shaker set

Complete with cocktail shaker, glasses and ice bucket

Gorgeous Cobalt Blue Ridged Glass Cocktail Shaker set

 Intake cobalt blue cocktail shakers set in great condition.

Amber Czech Fox Hunting Cocktail Shaker set

Beautiful vintage cocktail shaker set in amber from Czechoslovakia 
